Presidents' Day Holiday 2025

The Port Everglades administrative offices will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday. However, the building will remain open during normal business hours for tenants. Port Operations' marine services will be provided at standard levels without interruption on a 24/7 basis.

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Traffic Alert - Convention Center

Heavy traffic and delays are expected in the Broward County Convention Center area Saturday, February 15 due to multiple events taking place at the facility. More than 6,000 attendees are expected between 10 AM and 6 PM. Motorists are encouraged to avoid the convention center area and use the port entrances located at Federal Hwy (US1)/ State Road 84 and I-595/Eller Dr.

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ID Badges

Port ID 

Applications for a port ID are accepted at the port ID office, 1530 S.E. 24th St. (Spangler Blvd./State Road 84).

Hours of operation:

  • Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM
  • Closed Saturday and Sunday

DOWNLOAD Port ID Application 

All applicants must provide:

  • Government-issued ID: Driver's license or state or federal Identification Card containing a photograph or description information (name, birth date, gender, height, eye color, and address)
  • A letter the Port Everglades business, tenant or agency identifying the applicant, their function and why authorized access is required
  • TWIC card (if applicable)
  • Proof of Work eligibility
These documents establish identity and eligibility to work in the U.S. and are considered acceptable proof of both.
  • U.S. Passport (unexpired or expired)
  • Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (Forms N-560 or N-561)
  • Certificate of Naturalization (Forms N-550 or N-570)
  • Unexpired foreign passport with an attached Form I-94 indicating unexpired employment authorization
  • Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card with photograph (Form I-551)
  • Unexpired Temporary Resident Card (Form I-688)
  • Unexpired Employment Authorization Card (Form I-688A)
  • Unexpired Reentry Permit (Form I-327)
  • Unexpired Refugee Travel Document (Form 1-571)
  • Unexpired Employment Authorization Document issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that contains a photograph (Form I-688B)
Complete application by one of the following methods:
  • Print the form and manually complete the application and bring with you along with your required documents listed above to the port ID office.
  • Complete the application on your PC using the form filler. Then print the completed form, ensure applicable signatures are either electronically entered or signed after printing, have the form notarized and bring with you along with your required documents listed above to the port ID office.

For questions or assistance with the application process, call the ID office at 954-765-4604 or 954-765-4225.


Federal law requires a person seeking unescorted access to any seaport facility in the country to obtain a Federal Transportation Worker Identification Crendential (TWIC). To apply for a TWIC, visit and select TWIC. This site also allows you to schedule an appointment with the nearest application center and track your status.

Oakland Park Office
1541 E. Commercial Blvd.
Oakland Park, FL  33334
Hours: 9 AM - Noon; 1 - 6 PM Monday - Friday

For more information, call 1-855-347-8371 weekdays 8 AM- 10 PM EST.

Pursuant to local, state and federal law, all persons entering Port Everglades are subject to established security restrictions:

Cruise Passengers

  • All cruise passengers departing from Port Everglades will enter the port through a security checkpoint after presenting picture identifications for each person in the vehicle over age 18 as well as travel documents.

Valid Picture Identification

Picture identification, accepted by Port Everglades for issuance of access badges, includes the following:

  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Florida Identification Card
  • Alien Registration Card
  • Foreign Identification Card


  • All visitors must be invited guests of a specific Port Everglades business, tenant or agency.
  • Visitors shall be authorized access only to the area specific to their port business. Unauthorized roaming through the port is prohibited.
  • In restricted and secure areas, visitors must be issued a visitor identification badge and be escorted by an individual with a permanent Port Business Purpose Card and a valid Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) for access to that area. They must remain accompanied by that escort at all times. Badges must be conspicuously displayed at all times.
  • The Visitor ID badge, self-expiring at 11:59 PM on the date received, is issued at the checkpoints.
  • Visitors attempting to enter the port more than 15 times in a 90-day period will be required to obtain and display a permanent port-issued Business Purpose Card.
  • Visitors will not be allowed to park in restricted or secure areas.
  • Special rules apply to day laborers.

Day Laborers

  • Temporary, self-expiring badges are issued at the port ID office and at the checkpoints.
  • Temporary badges are issued for single days and for specific areas of access.
  • Day laborers must apply for a blue temporary Business Purpose Card on the first visit and have it in their possession at all times while working at the port. To apply for a temporary card, day laborers must submit their company work order, valid form of government-issued identification and $25 in cash or company check.
  • Badges must be conspicuously displayed at all times.
  • Itinerant/day laborer parking is in designated areas throughout the port.

Proof of Destination

  • Bill of Lading
  • Company identification
  • Faxed company letter
  • Call placed to receiving company to verify delivery

Permanent Employees

  • All personnel permanently employed at Port Everglades are required to obtain a port-issued picture Business Purpose Card.
  • Business Purpose Cards will be issued for a period up to three years depending on the nature of the persons work at the port.
  • Persons with a valid TWIC will be issued a green Business Purpose Card authorizing unescorted access to designated restricted and secure areas based on their purpose for access.  Cards will be issued at no cost.
  • Persons without a valid TWIC will be issued a yellow Business Purpose Card, but will require escort by a TWIC holder to enter designated restricted or secure areas.  Cards will be issued for a fee of $25 payable in cash or company check.
  • Business Purpose Cards must be displayed at all times when accessing or working within restricted areas of the port.
  • Lost, stolen, mutilated or rescinded cards must be reported to the Port Security Administration and Broward Sheriff's Office.
  • All port Business Purpose Cards must be returned to Port Security Administration or Broward Sheriff's Office upon termination of employment.
  • Business Purpose Cards normally are available approximately the same day that the application has been submitted.


  • Vehicles will enter only through security checkpoints at the port.
  • Vehicles will be parked in specific designated parking lots.
  • Private vehicles will not be allowed to park in restricted access unless authorized and credentialed.
  • Dockside parking pass fee is $100.