Holiday Alert - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The Port Everglades administrative offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. However, the building will remain open during normal business hours for tenants. Port Operations' marine services will be provided at standard levels without interruption on a 24/7 basis.

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manateeFor decades, gentle, herbivorous manatees have made their winter homes in Florida Power & Light's warm discharge canal inside the Port. The Port participates in a variety of manatee protection programs to safeguard Florida's favorite defenseless marine mammal.  Read more 

South Florida Wildlife Center

Port Everglades provides 4.1 acres of offsite land to the South Florida Wildlife Center for a mere $200 annually so this not-for-profit facility can treat and rehabilitate injured, orphaned, or imperiled animals before releasing them back into the wild.  

bird in mangrovesBirds

Our new upland mangrove enhancement area is designed to attract native birds and other wildlife. Read more


A High Mast Lighting Pilot Project is testing lighting alternatives to reduce light emission to protect hatching turtles from walking the wrong way after birth at the adjacent state park. Besides a more focused light source which benefited the turtles, a 40 percent energy reduction was achieved while port security/safety required light level standards were maintained or exceeded. We are exploring additional LED light opportunities throughout the Port. The Port also installed shields on the exterior Midport garage lights to protect the turtles.