Holiday Alert - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The Port Everglades administrative offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. However, the building will remain open during normal business hours for tenants. Port Operations' marine services will be provided at standard levels without interruption on a 24/7 basis.

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Preliminary Waterborne Commerce Chart FY 2024-2014  - 10-year statistics for all revenue-generating waterborne commerce at Port Everglades including passenger counts, tonnage, TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units), and barrels of petroleum.

Economic Impact FY2023 Report (PDF 458kb)
Port Everglades generates more than $26.5 billion worth of business activity annually and supports 10,778 direct local jobs and 192,688 jobs statewide, according to a study produced by nationally recognized maritime research company Martin Associates.   

Cruise Passenger Survey 2022/2023 (PDF 7mb)
Port Everglades conducted a Cruise Survey to collect cruise passenger data for marketing and economic impact analyses purposes. Data points ranged from age and gender to trip origin and expenditures pre/post cruise, from transportation choice to means of booking and cruising frequency.

Foreign-Trade Zone No.25 Annual Statistics

Monthly TEUs Loaded Report (84kb)
November 2024 (Fiscal Year 2025)

Port Everglades Trade Data  - Port Everglades offers the latest U.S. Census Bureau trade data courtesy of World City, which is updated monthly. The data includes the percentage of trade by country, by exports and imports, with the ability to shift between the current month, year to date, the latest annual data, by dollar value and tonnage as well as national ranking, compared to all U.S. trade gateways within your specific transportation mode – ocean; includes an analysis of the changes among the top five trade partners, exports and imports. 

Annual Commerce Report Statistics FY2023

FY 2023 Top 10 Containerized Commodities in TEUs, Short Tons and Value
(all dollar values are estimates provided by PIERS)

1 Apparel 42,526 302,592 $6,648,294,447
2 Steel Products 39,898 544,669 $3,165,865,419
3 Machinery 38,909 565,186 $6,610,619,900
Furniture 38,162 265,774 $1,432,396,163
5 Beverages 32,694 421,570 $721,780,040
6 Motor Vehicles 29,516 135,798 $1,760,404,948
7 Other Food Products 28,285 244,089 $1,315,576,212
8 Aluminum & Non Ferrous 21,719 277,721 $777,686,559
9 Industrial Chemicals 21,355 244,517 $3,872,812,950
10 Textiles 16,756 129,663 $519,949,544

Source: PIERS

FY 2023 Top 10 Exported Containerized Commodities in TEUs, Short Tons and Value
(all dollar values are estimates provided by PIERS)

1 Furniture 28,704 214,275 $1,287,092,337
2 Machinery 28,477 159,085 $4,397,587,418
3 Steel Products 28,098 219,212 $2,747,298,507
4 Motor Vehicles 27,118 115,897 $1,494,645,424
5 Other Food Products 19,885 179,726 $1,037,601,263
6 Industrial Chemicals 15,508 132,438 $659,860,627
7 Apparel 15,067 135,401 $2,541,743,393
8 Vehicle Parts 9,747 62,998 $545,667,280
9 Textiles  9,501 77,858 $349,987,848
10 Beverages 8,090 87,503 $144,308,127

Source: PIERS

FY 2023 Top 10 Imported Containerized Commodities in TEUs, Short Tons and Value
(all dollar values are estimates provided by PIERS)

1 Apparel 27,458 167,191 $4,106,551,054
2 Beverages 24,603 334,066 $577,471,913
3 Aluminum & Non Ferrous 16,447 245,462 $541,975,478
4 Steel Products 11,800 325,457 $418,566,912
5 Machinery 10,431 406,100 $2,213,032,482
6 Aggregates 10,221 264,543 $206,515,632
7 Other Manufactured Plastics 10,130 78,045 $280,659,627
8 Furniture 9,458 51,498 $145,303,826
9 Glass/Ceramic 9,088 193,281 $195,034,068
10 Other Food Products 8,400 64,363 $277,974,949

Source: PIERS

FY2023 Containerized Cargo by Tradelane
Source: Port Everglades

Pie Chart showing trade lane percentages for fiscal year 2023

FY2023 Containerized Cargo Performance in Key Markets 

Source: PIERS

Total Traffic TEUs   US PORT            
Trade Lane Port Everglades W Palm Beach  Jaxport  Miami  Charleston  Savannah  Total 
Caribbean 211,594 147,428 33,602 149,698 12,115 50,521 604,688
Central America 257,775 1,416 32,916 192,753 51,691 89,166 625,718
E. Coast South America 54,341 - 51,706 42 62,692 43,923 211,714
Indian Sub-Continent   4,147 - 7,303 13.114 128,635 323,445 476,643
Mediterranean 21,890 7 1,948 121.173 101,935 388,331 635,284
Middle East 1,821 - 11,421 5,071 29,769 167,451 215,533
Northern Europe 29,648 6 9,885 42,686 486,877 316,323 885,425
Northeast Asia 8,679 5 87,475 138,899 591,656 1,657,585 2,484,298
Others 1,106 12157 515,756 2,122 63,636 63,279 656,056
Southeast Asia 529 4 63,069 70,881 277,263 530,331 942,076
W. Coast South America 62,501 - 242 73,307 40.961 42,296 219,306
Grand total 654,031 161,023 813,321 809,745 1,847,230 3,672,381 7,957,732
% of TOTAL CARGO 8% 2% 10% 10% 23% 46% 100%*


FY2023 Historical Cargo Tonnage Activity
Containerized, Bulk, Break Bulk
Fiscal Years 2014 - 2023 
Source: Port EvergladesFY2023 Historical Cargo Bar Chart

Energy by Products 
FY2023 vs FY2022 (Barrels)
Source: Port Everglades


FY2023 FY2022 % Change
 Asphalt 342,502 463,183 -26%
 Aviation Gasoline 368,600 193,689 90%
 Crude Oil Loaded - - -
 Diesel Fuel 18,949,193 18,186,799 4%
 Ethanol 2,647,324 1,614,386 64%
 Fuel Oil 2,378,929 2,177,352 9%
 Gasoline 64,732,729 62,863,059 3%
 Jet Fuel 35,591,032 35,078,708 1%
 Propane 537,220 531,444 1%
 Truck & Rail - Ethanol 4,361,539 5,449890 -20%
 Truck & Rail - Other 6,172 3,955 56%
Total Barrels  129,915,243 126,502,464  


FY2023 Historical Petroleum Activity
Fiscal Years 2014 -  2023
Source: Port Everglades

FY2023 Historical Petroleum Bar Graph


FY2023 Historical Cruise Passenger Activity
Fiscal Years 2014 - 2023
Source: Port EvergladesFY2023 Historical Cruise Bar Graph