Holiday Alert - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

The Port Everglades administrative offices will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. However, the building will remain open during normal business hours for tenants. Port Operations' marine services will be provided at standard levels without interruption on a 24/7 basis.

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Air Emissions Inventory

View 2015 Baseline Air Emissions Inventory

The Port Everglades 2015 Baseline Air Emissions Inventory identifies and quantifies pollutants emitted from maritime-related mobile diesel equipment operating within the Port jurisdictional boundary. It was conducted voluntarily and proactively, in advance of any regulatory directive, to provide a strong technical foundation to support future policy decisions. The inventory is not a policy document and does not include policy recommendations.

The inventory was developed by Starcrest Consulting Group, LLC, in cooperation with local, state and federal agencies. It was funded by Port Everglades. A partnership agreement was developed jointly by Port Everglades and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

The partnership will allow the EPA to develop future methods, provide lessons learned, and provide practical examples that can be shared with other ports, related agencies, and stakeholders to support and encourage sustainable development. In addition, the EPA will develop separate emissions estimates for areas outside the Port jurisdictional boundaries, such as highways and railways used by Port Everglades customers.

A long-term strategic clean air plan, incorporating real data, scientific projections, management solutions, and governmental outreach support/actions is necessary to maintain excellent air quality in and around the Port. This emissions inventory provides scientifically valid data to improve understanding of the nature and magnitude of emissions from maritime-related operations at the Port.

It estimates tons per year of emissions from maritime-related activities for calendar year 2015.
Pollutants in the inventory include relevant EPA criteria pollutants and precursors (carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and particulate matter); greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide); and diesel particulate matter.

Data was gathered for the following mobile source categories associated with marine activities: oceangoing vessels (such as cargo and cruise ships, tankers); harbor vessels (towboats and yachts); cargo handling equipment (cranes, straddle carriers, forklifts, etc.); on-road vehicles (heavy-duty vehicles light and medium duty vehicles that transport cruise passengers, and port-owned on-terminal fleet vehicles); and rail operations. It also includes emissions for electrical power consumption from public and private entities. It does not include point source emissions from the petroleum facilities located within port property as this is a mobile source inventory and does not include stationary sources.