Master/Vision Plan Update

Join us for the Master/Vision Plan Update on Wednesday, Dec. 11 from 5 - 7:30PM at Cruise Terminal 19, 2019 Eller Drive, Fort Lauderdale. We'll review the findings of the market assessments for the port's business lines and next steps. We want to hear from you about how we can maximize the growth and success of Port Everglades. Parking is free.


Port Everglades New Super Post-Panamax Cranes

Find Terminal Parking

Select a terminal to see information on parking and luggage drop off. Be sure to check back the day of your cruise, as parking assignments may change.

Port Everglades New Super Post-Panamax Cranes

Find Terminal Parking

Select a terminal to see information on parking and luggage drop off. Be sure to check back the day of your cruise, as parking assignments may change.